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Sky Mobile
I was with sky mobile for a few days but ended up cancelling. I felt like it dropped back to EDGE much quicker than my Vodafone SIM and took longer to move back to 4G/5G, once or ltwice needing to switch to airplane mode to re-establish a 4G connection
I would have assumed as they’re sharing the same RAN the performance would be similar or are the fall back threshold defined in the core network or set per MNC/MCC.

I seen my Vodafone SIM hold a B20 connection down to -129/-130 RSRP especially when on a 4G call.
That would certainly be a problem when streaming radio or music in the car and also explains posts like this mentioning this issue after moving from Vodafone.

I have noticed Eir lowered its the 4G RSRP cut-offs also even on the high bands, at least with my BNESim that roams on Eir. While trying to test whether I could get 5G to connect on n28 using a low band antenna, the network kept trying to hand over to 4G band 1 or 3 despite the RSRP readings being close to -120dBm due to being a 700-900MHz band antenna. It was only about a year ago that their network wouldn't even aggregate any carrier under -103dBm RSRP.

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