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Another useful site to close
Sad to see this notice on

"This service will be discontinued at the end of August 2024, please make alternative arrangements" disappeared several years ago. AFAIK, this will leave Ireland as one of the few
countries without a software mirror site.
That's really sad to hear as I have used the Heanet mirror a lot in the past due to its fast download speeds.

It used to also be fun passing the time navigating up and down the various mirror paths back when they had a lot of mirrors, such as for the various open source software products such as VLC, GIMP, etc. Smile

CD Media World
I hope it's only temporary, for a short time!
Thumbs Up 
(28/09/2024, 01:15 PM)alter Brenner Wrote:

CD Media World,
ich hoffe, es ist nur vorübergehend, für kurze Zeit!

Ist wieder online, zum Glück!   Wink

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